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Китайские феминисты пожаловались травлю со стороны патриотов

Газета.ru, 13 мая 2021 в 18:46

Китайские феминисты пожаловались травлю со стороны патриотов
В Китае создали временный Музей интернет-насилия. Как рассказывает The Guardian, «неизвестный холм посреди китайской пустыни» (какой именно, не уточняется) выложили красными баннерами с белыми буквами. На полотнах написано «Надеюсь, ты сдохнешь, сука», «Маленькая сучка, к черту феминисток», «Дьявола нужно убивать в зародыше», «Вся твоя семья умерла?» и прочее, в том же духе — в общей сложности 700 разнообразных высказываний.Some artists and activists established a temporary physical «Internet Violence Museum» to show how online violence on the Internet in China brutally attacked feminists.

Каждый четвертый город не переживет глобальное потепление

Lenta.ru, 13 мая 2021 в 10:47

Каждый четвертый город не переживет глобальное потепление
Четверть городов в мире не переживет внезапную климатическую катастрофу, приводит The Guardian исследование Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).Эксперты проверили готовность городов мира к глобальному потеплению. В выборку попали 800 населенных пунктов. У 43 процентов из них с общим населением в 400 миллионов человек нет плана борьбы с угрозами от изменения климата.

Суд в США получил иск от имени слонихи

Lenta.ru, 08 мая 2021 в 09:47

Суд в США получил иск от имени слонихи
Суд в Нью-Йорке получил и принял иск от имени слонихи Хэппи, которая проживает в зоопарке в Бронксе. Иск подали зоозащитники из фонда Nonhuman Rights Project («Проект по правам не-людей»). Об этом сообщается на сайте организации.Отмечается, что это первый случай в истории, когда англоязычный суд будет рассматривать иск, поданный не от имени человека.

Опубликована первая фотография неуправляемой китайской ракеты

Lenta.ru, 07 мая 2021 в 13:57

Опубликована первая фотография неуправляемой китайской ракеты
Астрономы Virtual Telescope Project, базирующего в Италии, опубликовали первую фотографию неуправляемой китайской ракеты Long March 5B, которая вышла из-под контроля после запуска. Об этом сообщается на сайте проекта.В момент снимка тяжелая ракета-носитель находилась на высоте примерно 700 километров и выглядела как светящийся огонек.

Ученых обеспокоили планы Пентагона создать мобильные ядерные реакторы

Газета.ru, 05 мая 2021 в 18:26

Ученых обеспокоили планы Пентагона создать мобильные ядерные реакторы
Профессор Алан Дж. Куперман подготовил 21-страничный отчет под названием «Предлагаемые мобильные ядерные реакторы Сухопутных войск США: затраты и риски перевешивают выгоды». Куперман выступил в роли координатора Техасского университета в Остинском проекте по предотвращению распространения ядерного оружия (Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project, NPPP).

Partnership level will develop more

Редакция портала, 23 октября 2020 в 23:03

Partnership level will develop more

Nur-Sultan and Moscow attach great importance to the fruitful development of Kazakh-Russian cooperation in the military sphere

It so happened that Kazakhstan and Russia are connected by thousands of threads in almost all spheres of life. Allied states successfully interact in large bilateral and international projects, including actively developing the military component of cooperation. As noted in the new Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020 — 2030, the country's priorities in the field of regional and multilateral diplomacy imply the further development of allied relations with the Russian Federation.

Why does Kazakhstan need an international development agency?

Редакция портала, 22 октября 2020 в 22:57

Why does Kazakhstan need an international development agency?

A little time has passed since the time when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan created KazAID (Kazakhstan International Development Agency). There was a wave of discussions on social networks and the media, so one can seriously discuss what it is and how it will work.

Central Asia: Prioritizing Regional Cooperation

Редакция портала, 18 октября 2020 в 22:26

Central Asia: Prioritizing Regional Cooperation

The results of the Second Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia, held on November 29 in Tashkent, can literally be considered a victory for Kazakhstan's approaches to regional cooperation. A direct evidence of this was the election of Nursultan Nazarbayev as the honorary chairman of the forum.

But more importantly, the positions of all Central Asian states without exception on the widest range of issues — security, trade, transport infrastructure, ecology, culture and education — began to align along the lines of regional cooperation.

Shattered Society: Central Asia is Searching Own Identity

Редакция портала, 28 сентября 2020 в 15:50

Shattered Society: Central Asia is Searching Own Identity

At one time, Henry Kissinger asked the question: «Who should I call to talk to Europe?» The lack of an answer to this question indicated the absence of a decision-making center in the European Union.

If today someone asks the same question about Central Asia, he will not receive an answer either. There is no one to speak on behalf of the region today.

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Редакция портала, 12 сентября 2020 в 12:38

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Afghanistan has long been a modern backbone for international politics. There is no other country around which (more precisely, around which problems) such a developed system of global, regional, two-, three — and quadripartite dialogues are built. Dozens of intelligent people around the world are working on ways to resolve the «Afghan issue», and dissertations are being defended. Monographs on Afghan topics can be filled in several rooms of the library. Before the era of self-isolation, the fast and frequently used international conferences about Afghanistan were one of the drivers of the hotel, restaurant, catering, air travel industries, and everything related to the event business.

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Редакция портала, 09 сентября 2020 в 12:42

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Afghanistan has long been a modern backbone for international politics. There is no other country around which (more precisely, around which problems) such a developed system of global, regional, two-, three — and quadripartite dialogues are built. Dozens of intelligent people around the world are working on ways to resolve the «Afghan issue», and dissertations are being defended. Monographs on Afghan topics can be filled in several rooms of the library. Before the era of self-isolation, the fast and frequently used international conferences about Afghanistan were one of the drivers of the hotel, restaurant, catering, air travel industries, and everything related to the event business. For some international organizations specializing in security, the «Afghan problem» served as the main justification for their activities. At the same time, which is very important, Afghanistan with its problems brought out international unity. At the UN, resolutions on Afghanistan are adopted with unanimity that is rare these days. The countries, whose views on the world are diametrically opposed, coincide in their approaches to solving the Afghan issue.

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:22

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Winston Churchill once said: «Generals are always preparing for the last war.» His compatriot political scientist Martin White added: «And international organizations are always created to prevent the past war.» It is likely that the international system will soon begin to prepare for coronavirus pandemic prevention. And the vaccine for COVID-19 will appear when it mutates to the level of seasonal SARS.

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Редакция портала, 22 августа 2020 в 11:57

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has initiated and participated in the creation of a number of international organizations, but none of them, perhaps, has caused such contradictory assessments as the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The idea was originally proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev in May 1994. Two years later, an Agreement was signed between Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia on deepening integration in the economic and humanitarian fields (Tajikistan then later joined the alliance of the four). An Integration Committee was created, headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Nigmatzhan Isingarin.

The Leader Phenomenon

Новости пресс-служб, 18 августа 2020 в 11:27

The Leader Phenomenon

The anniversary of Nursultan Nazarbayev is a good reason to remember why he successfully ruled the country for three decades. Kazakhstan is one of the few post-Soviet states that has escaped interethnic conflicts, military confrontations, social cataclysms, while Nazarbayev himself is one of the few politicians who, during the entire period of his presidency, did not have a worthy alternative.

Today, when there is time to assess the amount of work done, it is very easy to talk about how and what could have been done better. Young people, who have grown up in recent decades, often go to extremes when talking about the actions of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Kazakhstan awaits reform plans

Редакция портала, 12 августа 2020 в 11:16

Kazakhstan awaits reform plans

What has the last year shown? To what extent the first president is involved in the active social and political life of Kazakhstan now?

There has been a certain evolution of relationships. Still, in Kazakhstan such a model — the presence of two presidents — was not applied, and some issues, even taking into account the experience and diplomacy of the two presidents, were worked out on the fly.

If at first the First President stepped aside, then, starting from the summer of last year, he became more active and indicated his presence, while demonstratively not pushing his powers.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

Редакция портала, 28 июля 2020 в 15:31

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

The strategic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China has a truly global significance and far-reaching geopolitical implications. «Belt» is the «Economic Silk Road» that links China with the Eurasian continent, Africa and the Middle East by the road, railway lines and fiber-optic communication lines by land, while «Road» is «21st Century Maritime Silk Road» that links China with distant markets and raw materials of the area between Arctic and Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans by water.

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