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Раскрыты новые эксклюзивы для PlayStation

Lenta.ru, 14 мая 2021 в 19:17

Раскрыты новые эксклюзивы для PlayStation
Sony готовит 25 игр для своей новой приставки. Об этом сообщает издание Wired.О расширении числа игровых эксклюзивов для консоли нового поколения заявил руководитель PlayStation Studio и бывший глава Guerrilla Games Хермен Хульст (Hermen Hulst). По его словам, компания намерена выпустить 25 тайтлов.

La Pandémie : nouvelles formes, ancienne histoire

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:33

La Pandémie : nouvelles formes, ancienne histoire

Winston Churchill a dit un jour : « Les Généraux se préparent toujours pour la dernière guerre ». Et Martin White son compatriote et politologue d’ajouter : « Et les organisations internationales ont toujours été créées pour tirer des leçons de la guerre précédente ». Il est probable que le système international commence à se préparer bientôt pour éviter une future pandémie comme celle du coronavirus. Et le vaccin pour le COVID-19 fera sans doute son apparition quand le virus aura muté pour ne devenir qu’une infection respiratoire saisonnière.

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:22

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Winston Churchill once said: «Generals are always preparing for the last war.» His compatriot political scientist Martin White added: «And international organizations are always created to prevent the past war.» It is likely that the international system will soon begin to prepare for coronavirus pandemic prevention. And the vaccine for COVID-19 will appear when it mutates to the level of seasonal SARS.

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Редакция портала, 22 августа 2020 в 11:57

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has initiated and participated in the creation of a number of international organizations, but none of them, perhaps, has caused such contradictory assessments as the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The idea was originally proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev in May 1994. Two years later, an Agreement was signed between Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia on deepening integration in the economic and humanitarian fields (Tajikistan then later joined the alliance of the four). An Integration Committee was created, headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Nigmatzhan Isingarin.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

Редакция портала, 28 июля 2020 в 15:31

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

The strategic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China has a truly global significance and far-reaching geopolitical implications. «Belt» is the «Economic Silk Road» that links China with the Eurasian continent, Africa and the Middle East by the road, railway lines and fiber-optic communication lines by land, while «Road» is «21st Century Maritime Silk Road» that links China with distant markets and raw materials of the area between Arctic and Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans by water.

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