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digital: новости — страница 31

Запущено бета-тестирование COVID-сертификатов, но их еще должен проверить ЕС

ИА "Украинские Новости", 02 июля 2021 в 17:35

Запущено бета-тестирование COVID-сертификатов, но их еще должен проверить ЕС
Министерство здравоохранения констатирует, что с 1 июля запущено бета-тестирование COVID-сертификатов, но полноценный запуск их функционала состоится после технической проверки со стороны ЕС. Об этом говорится в сообщении министерства, передают Українськi Новини. «Украина одна из первых стран, которая начала коммуникацию с командой ЕС по внедрению COVID-сертификатов.

Shattered Society: Central Asia is Searching Own Identity

Редакция портала, 28 сентября 2020 в 15:50

Shattered Society: Central Asia is Searching Own Identity

At one time, Henry Kissinger asked the question: «Who should I call to talk to Europe?» The lack of an answer to this question indicated the absence of a decision-making center in the European Union.

If today someone asks the same question about Central Asia, he will not receive an answer either. There is no one to speak on behalf of the region today.

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Редакция портала, 12 сентября 2020 в 12:38

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Afghanistan has long been a modern backbone for international politics. There is no other country around which (more precisely, around which problems) such a developed system of global, regional, two-, three — and quadripartite dialogues are built. Dozens of intelligent people around the world are working on ways to resolve the «Afghan issue», and dissertations are being defended. Monographs on Afghan topics can be filled in several rooms of the library. Before the era of self-isolation, the fast and frequently used international conferences about Afghanistan were one of the drivers of the hotel, restaurant, catering, air travel industries, and everything related to the event business.

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Редакция портала, 09 сентября 2020 в 12:42

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Afghanistan has long been a modern backbone for international politics. There is no other country around which (more precisely, around which problems) such a developed system of global, regional, two-, three — and quadripartite dialogues are built. Dozens of intelligent people around the world are working on ways to resolve the «Afghan issue», and dissertations are being defended. Monographs on Afghan topics can be filled in several rooms of the library. Before the era of self-isolation, the fast and frequently used international conferences about Afghanistan were one of the drivers of the hotel, restaurant, catering, air travel industries, and everything related to the event business. For some international organizations specializing in security, the «Afghan problem» served as the main justification for their activities. At the same time, which is very important, Afghanistan with its problems brought out international unity. At the UN, resolutions on Afghanistan are adopted with unanimity that is rare these days. The countries, whose views on the world are diametrically opposed, coincide in their approaches to solving the Afghan issue.

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